How to support your clients and yourself

Mental health is an incredibly important topic for us all to be aware of and it plays a crucial role in holistic health and wellbeing. Our Head of Mental Health Glenn Baird shares his top four tips to help you and your clients maintain good mental health.  

It is well known that mental health plays a crucial role in holistic health and wellbeing, and that making small improvements in day-to-day activities can help all of us thrive and stay mentally healthy.

Financial advisers in particular have a significant opportunity to support the health and wellbeing of their clients. To do this effectively advisers must be engaged with their own mental health.

At TAL, we believe it's important for advisers to be equipped with tools and services to raise awareness on mental health and start supportive conversations that help to better connect with their clients.

Regardless of what is happening around us, our mental and physical health must remain a priority.

Here are some simple tips to help you and your clients maintain good mental health:

1.  Keep up education

Mental health education helps to foster an environment where people feel supported, both personally and professionally. Education and awareness start with understanding the importance of looking after our own mental health.

You and your team could benefit from learning skills that enable you to offer appropriate advice, support, and strategies that help your clients who may be facing mental health challenges.

The TAL Risk Academy is a good place to start your learning, and there are courses available exploring the fundamentals of mental wellbeing, as well as practical strategies you can utilise with your clients.

2.  Encourage open conversations

As a financial adviser, you are in the unique position of being able to help your clients feel connected with, and excited about, their financial situation now and into the future.

Creating an open and safe environment for your clients can help encourage conversations on sensitive topics like mental health, while building further value into the relationship.

While it's not always easy to have these conversations, empowering your clients to take control of their mental health is a positive step in creating a trusted relationship with them.

3.  Lead by example

Be approachable and authentic in your communication, and don't hesitate to initiate conversations around mental health.

Leading by example and showing empathy are two good starting points. Sharing personal experiences and encouraging your clients to do the same can have positive and lasting impacts on their mental health.

4.  Take notice and be mindful

It's important to take some time for yourself - make time in your day to rest and relax. Practising mindfulness can be a helpful way to regulate emotions, improve sleep and reduce stress levels.

Being aware of the world around you and giving your mind and body time to recharge, can help to minimise your negative thoughts and worries. It may also help you to notice clients that may be facing mental health challenges.

It's important to remember that the best relationships between financial advisers and clients go beyond transactional advice. Advisers play a trusted role in helping clients navigate their challenges and opportunities throughout all stages of life.

A solid grounding in understanding mental health - both your own and your clients' - will ensure you're equipped to play that role and support them to the greatest extent possible.

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