Dedicated to your clients at claim time.

We are committed to guiding and supporting your clients when they need it most.

We know that no two claims are alike and that making a claim can be an unfamiliar experience at a challenging time. That’s why our dedicated claims consultants are committed to offering your clients guidance and support to make the claims process as smooth as possible.

If you need to make a claim on behalf of your client, login into to TAC or click here for more information.

Our Claims Approach

With your clients claim, these are the five key ways we aim to support them:

Claiming with confidence

Your client will have one point of contact within our dedicated Claims Team.

We will support them through their claim, discuss the options available to them, and make sure they know how and when their claim will be assessed.

Ensuring your client is understood

Your clients unique story is important to us.

Our aim is for your client to feel heard, to ensure we can do all that we can and if they do need extra support, that the support services we offer match their needs.

Removing complexity

We will prepare in advance before contacting your client.

We’ll aim to limit paperwork as much as possible, and make decisions as quickly as possible to make things simple for them.

Setting expectations

Our aim is to be as clear as possible with your clients about their claim and to call when we say we will.

We will only ask for the information we need, and we won’t ask for them to prove things we already know.

Treating your client fairly 

Doing the right thing by your client underpins all we do.

They will have the time they need to talk through their claim. Your client will be offered different ways to provide the information to support their claim and we’ll explain why we make our decision.

Our Claims Approach in Action

2023/24 Life Insurance Claims Paid

Supporting our customers and their families through the claims we pay is the most important thing we can do.

Last financial year we accepted 94% of all claims assessed. 2
$4.2 billion
in claims
paid to

7 in 10 of these claims were provided to TAL customers living with or recovering from an injury or illness.2

Find out more

Beyond the number

Our experienced claims team are there to work closely with you and your clients when it’s needed most. We appoint a dedicated claims consultant to every claim, who will take the time to get to know your client and their particular needs. 

Dexter smilling

Dexter's Story

Dexter’s adventurous spirit and love for the great outdoors shaped his life, but maintaining an active lifestyle hasn’t always been easy.

In 2018, Dexter had a cycling accident that could have left him permanently disabled.

Together with his financial adviser and TAL, Dexter rebuilt his life.

Watch Now

Scottie's Story

Scottie was 40 when he was diagnosed with cancer.

His financial adviser worked together with TAL to see him and his family through his treatment and recovery.

He’s since received treatment and was given the all clear.


Moving forward isn’t always straightforward

When the unexpected happens, we understand that moving forward isn’t always straightforward.

That’s why, if your clients need to make a claim with us we can help with much more than just payments.

Their health is a priority, and we’re committed to supporting them to get back to their best possible state of health.
Watch Now

Tools and resources

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On-demand claims courses

Learn more about supporting your clients through the range of course offered by TAL Risk Academy. 
These courses include Intro to Claims and Supporting Grieving Clients.

You can access the above courses by logging into the TAL Risk Academy.


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TAL Reality Checker

Help your clients break down claims statistics with TAL Reality Checker.

Dive deep into your clients' demographic so they can get an idea of what claims are being made for other Australians like them.

Launch TAL Reality Checker now


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Product Disclosure Statement

Your client’s dedicated Claims Consultant will be there to help you navigate the claims process with your client. 
The relevant Product Disclosure Statement will also provide further information about making a claim. 
Find the relevant Product Disclosure Statement here.


1. Claims statistics based on total claims paid under TAL Life Limited and TAL Life Insurance Services Limited (including funeral insurance) between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.

2. Claims statistics based on total number of accepted claims that were determined to be eligible for payment between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024. A claim is assessed in order to determine whether or not the claim is payable. A claim is accepted when the claim is determined to be payable.