Better for the long-term
Your client's discount lasts for as long as they have their policy with us. It won't change, even if their BMI does, and they'll never need to reapply2.
More affordable cover—for life
Just two simple questions—height and weight—can make the cover your clients need significantly more affordable long term.
Use their height and weight to calculate their BMI and if it's between 19.0 and 28.0, they'll automatically receive a TAL Health Sense premium discount of up to 15% on their Life, TPD and Critical Illness premiums.
That's it: no tests, no forms, just a really simple way to recognise what your clients do to care for their health.
TAL Health Sense is ...
Your client's discount lasts for as long as they have their policy with us. It won't change, even if their BMI does, and they'll never need to reapply2.
The discount is available to clients even if they get an exclusion, applies to the majority of loadings3, and smokers are eligible too.
Our data shows that clients with TAL Health Sense retain their policies longer than those without, supporting long term affordability4.
Ask your clients their height and weight during your early conversations or fact finds.
Use our BMI calculator to check if it's between 19.0 and 28.0 (inclusive).
If so, tick "Health Sense Discount' in the TAL Adviser Centre to apply the discount. Check out our Quick Reference Guide to TAC quotes if you need a hand.
Simple as that: there's nothing else you or your clients need to do.
And if you're not sure what their BMI is, we'll check during underwriting to make sure they receive a TAL Health Sense discount if they're eligible.
Female, 32, A
Life, TPD and IP, non-smoker
Annual Premium
Without TAL Health Sense: $2,501
With TAL Health Sense: $2,283
Savings in year 15
Savings over 5 years5
Quote generated 21/09/23
Male, 51, BBB
Life, TPD, CI and IP, smoker
Annual Premium
Without TAL Health Sense: $6,882
With TAL Health Sense: $6,284
Savings in year 15
Savings over 5 years5
Quote generated 21/09/23
Male, 61, AAA
Life, TPD and CI, non-smoker
Annual Premium
Without TAL Health Sense: $20,171
With TAL Health Sense: $16,879
Savings in year 15
Savings over 5 years5
Quote generated 21/09/23
As well as the TAL Health Sense discount, new Life, TPD and Critical Illness clients now receive a 5% TAL Health Sense Plus discount for up to two years.
After that, they can maintain their discount by having a preventative health check.
It’s another way we’re making cover more affordable and supporting your clients on their health journey.
Disclaimer: The offer of TAL Health Sense and Health Sense Plus is subject to the Terms and Conditions. TAL reserves the right to alter or discontinue the Health Sense and Health Sense Plus offer at any time.
1. A maximum 15% Health Sense discount applies to non-smokers meeting the BMI criteria that hold 4 benefit types (Life; Critical Illness; TPD and Income Protection (IP)) and meeting minimum sum insured amounts for all benefit types. Lower discounts will apply for other benefit combinations and smokers. The discount does not apply to per mille loadings, policy fees and stamp duties. More information is available on request from TAL.
2. Assumes the policy owner makes no changes to the policy, benefit types or amounts, and that the policy or any benefits have not ended (e.g after payment of a claim or the expiry of a benefit).
3. For customers with loadings, the Health Sense discounts apply to premiums including loadings (except loadings applied on a per-mille basis) and apply to Life Insurance, TPD Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance benefits only. Where a per-mille loading has been applied, the discount will not apply on additional premium resulting from the per-mille loading (an example of a per mille loading is $5.00 extra premium per $1,000 sum insured). Health Sense discounts only apply to Life Insurance, TPD Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance benefits only. Please contact TAL for a pre-assessment or if you wish to check the loading basis (for Health Sense and Health Sense Plus eligibility) for any client.
4. Based on TAL Lapse Rate Rolling 12 month report showing average lapse rate, extracted 15 September 2023. Information for Adviser Use only and not to be distributed to retail clients.
5. The stated savings are an estimate only and is based on pricing as at [September 2023] and assumes no change to premium rates occur during the relevant 1 or 5 year period. Pricing on other dates may be different. The estimated savings assumes no change to premium. The premiums paid will change if a) TAL changes the premium rates or Policy fee, b) the Policy is varied, for example when a Plan or benefit option is add or removed, c) there is a change in the Benefit Amount, d) a discount no longer applies or changes because a variation of the Policy, or another policy held with us; or e) government duties or charges change. TAL does not guarantee or forecast that the estimated savings shown will eventuate. As for others in the industry, TAL can and has changed premium rates. If TAL changes premium rates or any other factors impacting premium paid change (see above) the estimated savings (1 year and 5 year) noted will be different than the estimate shown. Please refer to the Combined PDS and Policy Document for more information on how premiums may change.