TAL Health Services - Going beyond the financial side of your client’s claim

two men stretching after a run

If your client needs to make a claim, their Accelerated Protection cover provides much more than financial security.

Our health services cover financial, physical and mental health, with a comprehensive range of programs to help your clients achieve their best health and return to work goals.

In 2023, we provided over 2,000 services to Income Protection claimants. 82% increased their capacity or were able to work at the end of the program1.

With a dedicated claims consultant to help them create a tailored recovery plan, your clients and their families can access health services focused on:

  • Support for specific conditions, such as cancer, pain or fatigue
  • Support following trauma or bereavement
  • Mental health, including expedited access to psychologists and psychiatrists
  • Support specifically for carers.

We’re here to help those who are ready to return to work too. Collaborating with your client, their medical team and employer, we offer a range of health and recovery services including:

  • Career, business owner and return to work coaching
  • Work conditioning programs
  • Exercise and physical health coaching
  • Mental health coaching.

Read more about our Health Services

Understanding the cost of care

Alongside those health and return to work programs, the most important way we support your clients is by paying claims.

With the rising cost of healthcare, that financial security is increasingly vital, helping your clients access the medical care they need and stay focused on their recovery.

Out-of-pocket healthcare expenses can add up incredibly quickly and are a significant concern in Australia. A study published in the Medical Journal of Australia showed that out-of-pocket fees now account for 15% of all healthcare expenditure2.

For Australians with ongoing health conditions, the impact is even more significant.

A Grattan report3 noted that those with mental health conditions, cancer, diabetes and circulatory conditions are amongst the most likely to miss or delay necessary healthcare because of out-of-pocket expenses.

And the average expenses for those conditions can run into thousands of dollars with the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) estimating out-of-pocket expenses (per patient, per annum) to be:

  • $1,300 to $3,000 for a mental health condition
  • $2,000 to $4,000 for cancer.

In FY23/24, mental health conditions and cancer were the top two causes of claims at TAL. We’re proud to have reported the highest total of claims ever paid by an Australian life insurer, paying 4.2 billion in claims to over 50,000 customers4 and their families, highlighting that we’re more committed than ever to being here when your clients need us most.


1. Results determined from internal analysis comparing health and occupational outcomes following customers’ completion of claims support and recovery programs, facilitated by TAL’s Rehabilitation Provider Partners.

2. Out-of-pocket fees for health care in Australia: implications for equity 

3. Duckett, S., Stobart, A., and Lin, L. (2022). Not so universal: How to reduce out-of-pocket healthcare payments. Grattan Institute

4. Claims statistics based on total claims paid under TAL Life Limited and TAL Life Insurance Services Limited insurance products (including funeral insurance) between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.

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