Introducing real-time alteration quotes

Faster, easier, better ways to support your inforce clients, now available on the TAL Adviser Centre (TAC).

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When you want to compare options or make changes to your client’s Accelerated Protection cover, we want you to be able to respond quickly.

That’s why we’re pleased to introduce real-time alteration quotes to the TAC. This new functionality was inspired by your feedback and it’s just the start of our digital investment for the year ahead, to make it easier to do business with us. It means you can now:

  • Quickly explore options, with premium calculations presented in real-time
  • Help your clients address affordability concerns if things change
  • Download and send an alteration quote directly to your client to sign.

It means a faster, easier, better experience for you and your clients.

For TAL Accelerated Protection policies, you can now generate an alteration quote to:

  • Decrease sums insured
  • Reverse/decline indexation
  • Change payment frequency
  • Change waiting and benefit periods
  • Change smoker status
  • Change Income Protection benefits from Agreed Value to Indemnity
  • Decrease sums insured on options such as the Retirement Protection Option and Disability Plus Option
  • Cancel benefits under the policy

Our analysis indicates that 65% of Accelerated Protection quote alterations can now typically be done online in under 10 mins.

Resources to get you started

 Watch the how-to video opposite or here

 Download the Tech Guide and FAQs

If you have any other questions or need a hand, please call our dedicated alteration quotes team on 1300 537 705 or get in touch with your BDM.

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Digital experiences to make every day easier

We believe that the best digital experiences put people first. So when we make investments to enhance our technology, we turn to you first.

To understand what you need and how you want to work. To learn how we can better support you and your team, your clients and business with smarter, smoother online experiences. To ensure you’re confident in how we safeguard your data and all your digital interactions with us.

Right now and over the years ahead, we’re making significant investments in our technology. We’re prioritising what will make the biggest difference for you today, to create a better, easier tomorrow.

One part of that is your new Tech Hub, where you’ll find details about new and upcoming TAC enhancements and resources to help you get the most from all your digital interactions with us.

Launch your tech hub 


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